Thursday, June 4, 2015

Inspirational Quotes: Good for the Soul

I reeeaaaallllly like eating strawberries with Hershey's chocolate spread [believe it or not, it's even better tasting than Nutella!]. I find myself eating this magical combination quite frequently and if you know me well enough, you are probably already aware of this [but I must warn you: I find this chocolate to be quite addicting, so consider yourself warned]. Quite similarly, I like quotes just as much for their sweetness and goodness for my soul [cheesy, right?]. There is something just oh-so-wonderful about quotes and how the words are strung together [like beads making a beautiful piece of jewelry to admire]. Quotes are filled with wisdom and make me feel all warm & fuzzy inside. I'm hoping to share that with you by listing some quotes below that I really enjoy. Maybe, just maybe you'll find some of these quotes applying to your life at this very moment. I am a believer in being surrounded with positives [even when faced with the negative/not-so-good times]. I consider quotes to be a positive and even find myself jotting them down as good reminders throughout the day.

Lauren's List of Quotes:
  • "Your value doesn't decrease based on someone's inability to see your worth." 
  • "Having courage does not mean we are unafraid." -Maya Angelou
  • "Stop waiting for Friday, for summer, for someone to fall in love with you, for life. Happiness is achieved when you stop waiting for it and make the most of the moment you are in now." [this is easier said than done]
  • "Ask yourself if what you're doing today is getting you closer to where you want to be tomorrow." 
  • "Everyday is a good day to be alive, whether the sun is shining or not." 
  • "Be a light in a world of darkness." 
  • "Be your own kind of beautiful." 
  • "Be kind for everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about." 
  • "Hakuna Matata. It means no worries for the rest of your days." -Lion King [of course I had to include this one]
  • "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." -Dr. Seuss 
  • "Don't do it [whatever it may mean in your life] to impress someone else. Do it to satisfy yourself."
  • "Do the right thing...even when no one is looking." 
  • "Do what you feel in your heart to be right--for you'll be criticized anyway." -Eleanor Roosevelt
  • "Keep smiling because life is a beautiful thing and there's so much to smile about." -Marilyn Monroe 
  • "Don't rush and never settle. If it's meant to be, it will be." 
  • "Forgiveness doesn't excuse their behavior. Forgiveness prevents their behavior from destroying your heart." [wow, this is powerful stuff]
  • "Sometimes God calms the storm. Sometimes He lets the storms rage and calms His child." 
  • "You is kind, you is smart, you is important." -Aibileen Clark from The Help 
  • "Be happy with what you have while working for what you want." -Helen Keller 
  • "Don't wait for sleep to dream." 
  • "You will never influence the world by trying to be like it."
  • "In the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take." 
[& please feel free to share any of your fav quotes with me!]

until next time, 
Hershey's Chocolate Spread, 13 oz


P.S. definitely consider trying Hershey's chocolate spread if you haven't already. You won't regret it! 

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