Dear Wendy's employee,
Even though I know the likelihood of you reading this post is extremely slim, I just wanted to take the time to say a simple thank you. Thank you for the cheerful greeting along with your big, vibrant smile and the "how are you" as I pulled up the window to pay for my food.
Thank you for exceeding my expectations of my trip to get lunch. You were the most joyous, kind-hearted person that I had the pleasure of encountering today.
Moreover, you served as a glorious reminder to me of the "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." You never know who may come through your window and really need the smile and compassion from a stranger. It is so easy to get bogged down when a lot is going on, but you allowed me to step back for a moment to realize otherwise. Even during the week prior to finals, there is so much for me be cheerful about. Thanks for opening my eyes to that today.
It's definitely the little things that can make the biggest impact on someone's day. Thank you once more for impacting mine.
I was just expecting a cheeseburger and fries, but I received much more than that. It's not everyday that I encounter a stranger that seems to care so deeply about a fellow stranger. I know it may seem like I'm making a big deal out of this. However, it's definitely worthy (in my opinion) to point out the good in a world that seems to be suffocating with the bad.
Also, thank you for the "Have a blessed day." It means more than you know.
May God surely bless you too,
Delighted customer
p.s. I pray that you continue to be a light to all other customers that come to your window & radiate cheer to them as you have shown me. :) |
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